Saturday, March 26, 2011

Sally's Garden :)

My garden and flower beds are pretty simple....we have a large lot for our neighborhood, and Keegan doesn't really enjoy gardening too much, so I tend to stick to easy-care plants.  I use a lot of perennials, and in our milder winters, many plants return year to year.  And many of them sprout babies that I can move to new plants are always a plus :)

This tiny bed greets visitors (and us) as we enter the driveway.  The tree to the right is a tiny crepe myrtle...(you can't see much of him).   Dijon built this wheelbarrow for me years the fall, it is filled with pumpkins, and at Christmas, with greenery and ornaments.  The plants are daylillies which will bloom later with yellow flowers.   Every year, my father-in-law brings me a new rock from Colorado, where they vacation for the summer.  They are scattered through my flower beds.  And of course, there is my LSU flag....GEAUX TIGERS!!

Dijon built this rustic garden cart for sits behind my little concrete rabbit family at one end of our porch.  Its surrounded by ruella, aztec grass, and amaryllis.

I adore our patio and backyard....we've worked hard to make it feel like a park!

The azaleas are blooming right now....they're one of my favorites, and bring back great memories of my childhood summers spent at my grandparents' house.

More azaleas in the back yard...

But I was MOST excited today to see THIS!!! 

What, you may ask, could possibly be the importance of this tiny bit of greenery?  Its the first bud on my pecan tree, and that means that the danger of frost is OVER!!  So now it is safe for me to plant any tender annuals I might choose (which are few, but I do a few pots each year!)

I LOVE this time of year in the South....the weather is amazing, and being outside recharges my batteries.  And that is a good thing....Keegan has been requiring extra energy lately, so much so that a trip to the doctor is on the calendar for next week.  It may be time to tweak things a bit to keep Keegan in his place....remember, he's not in charge!

See ya soon,

1 comment:

  1. I am also excited to see the first pecan tree showing green. It means summer is on the way! Yay for summer and swimming. I just wish I could get my yard looking as good as yours does. It's beautiful. Thanks for posting the pictures
