Monday, March 7, 2011

Keeping my Balance

Long time, no talk!  I've been visiting one of my daughters, who was a bit under the weather.  Its still awesome to play nurse to your child, even when they are grown!

I am oh-so-quietly whispering that Keegan has been VERY quiet lately.  Actually, ever since I was sick last week, he hasn't made a peep!  That's pretty unusual for him.  I think I may have figured out why....

With fibro, I have to remember there is no magic mix of meds that will automatically work, or if it does work, will work forever.  So when my doc changed my regimen a few weeks ago, I gave it a try.  I suddenly became much more lethargic during the day.  To combat that, I tried upping my daily caffeine intake.  End result:  more fatigue, worse sleep, even more fatigue.  (For the record, caffeine is NOT a good idea for folks with really charges them up!)

That's the bad news.  The good news was the meds made fibro pain soooo much better!  So what to do??  The trade-off for me was to ease off the meds, and the fatigue would get better, but the pain would get worse.    Or keep taking the meds, and be soooo sleepy I had to have naps each day.

I chose to decrease the meds.  And so far, I think that is the right decision for me, for now.  Like I said, nothing stays the same forever.  The pain is beginning to increase, but I'd rather have that and be able to go through the day feeling less tired.  But at some point, I may have to go the other way. ( I always check with my doctor about changing should too!!)  Keegan won't let me have my cake and eat it too!  LOL

Keegan just helps me remember, life with fibro is just a balancing act.  I take it hour-to-hour most days.  And that's good....God tells us not to worry about tomorrow, that today is all we should be concerned with.  Good advice!!

See ya soon,

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