Thursday, March 17, 2011

A Flare Begins....

Well, as I sort of expected, Keegan has awakened, and wants to play.  I use the word "play" is more of a "breathe fire, stomp around, rant and rave" kind of thing.  These are the times we fibromites call "flares"....Get the fire thing?  LOL

So officially, a flare is a time when symptoms become very intense.  It is a time when our bodies are overly sensitive....for me, to pain, noise, light, pressure, and other things.  Where Keegan is somewhat quiet and manageable many days, he is a raging monster during a flare.

Almost anything can bring on a flare.  Living with a fibro dragon requires quite the balancing act, and life often upsets that balance.  Illness, accidents, weather changes, travel, allergy attacks, insomnia, holidays, time change....anything that disrupts my carefully scripted days can send me into a flare.  This time, it was the stress to my body from the two quick trips out of town, and the fact that I didn't rest as much while visiting with the kiddos.  

Some of us have signals as to how our day will be.....I have one that is no-fail.  If I wake up and have no numbness, it'll probably be a normal day, at least normal for me.  If I wake up and only my left leg is numb, then I'll probably be good to go until about 3 p.m.  Then I'll be done for the day, and need to rest.  BUT if my arms and legs are numb when I wake up, I'm in a flare. 

That's what I mean about symptoms becoming more intense.  The numbness, fatigue, queasiness, and pain are all worse.   Flare days are the ones where I don't get too much done, and that's ok.  I'm giving my body time to recover, and get back to its "normal"....It takes a bit of time to get Keegan back under control!

I'll talk a bit more about managing Keegan next time....He can be very feisty, but I do have some pretty good weapons!

See ya soon,

1 comment:

  1. I too have Fibromyalgia and since Oct I changed my diet based on Dr. Cordain's research at the University of Colorado. My IBS is gone!!! My pain is RECEDING.
    Come visit me.
