Sunday, March 13, 2011

Home Again!

Well, we are home again!!  Just got in this evening after five days at our daughter's home in Texas.  We had such a good time!  We were able to visit with our kids and my mom, and we laughed so hard it hurt!    

Keegan finally got tired of being quiet, and started breathing fire yesterday.  I woke up in a good bit of pain, and with lots of numbness in my arms and legs.  The D-ribose helped with the fatigue, but I definitely wasn't 100%.  Today was a little better, but Keegan still beat me up a bit.  I am hoping for a quieter day tomorrow!

I constantly have to remind myself to PACE, and I think that's a great word for me to use each day.  So I thought and thought (and used a thesaurus!) and came up with this:

P is for Plan....I try to plan my activities each day as much as I can, so I don't overdo it.
A is for Accept....I accept that I can't accomplish everything all at once.  I do what I can, then rest.
C is for Choose....I have to choose carefully what activities to schedule that day, both chores and fun stuff  :)
E is for Exception....There's always an exception to my plans....I have to remember to roll with the punches!

We've done two very busy trips in three weeks, so there will be lots of Pacing over the next few days for me.  Keegan is in a foul mood right now, and I need to take some time to rest.  But I wouldn't have traded the last few days for is good indeed.

Dijon and I LOVE country music....There's a country song that says life isn't about how many breaths you take, but about the moments that take your breath away.  I had a few of those this week....watching my daughters who have grown from fussing toddlers to arguing teenagers to loving friends and sisters.  Smiling as my adorable sons-in-law joked with each other, and grew closer each day.  Watching my mom enjoy her family all together again.  Seeing my dear Dijon teach the boys how to fix a sliding door,  explaining it all patiently to them, passing his skills on to the next generation.  And laughing at all four pups playing and swimming together :)

Yes, life is good indeed!  Thank you, Lord, for Your blessings!!

See ya soon,

1 comment:

  1. I saw your blog address and just had to stop and say hi and of course be a follower! You know me as azmountainlady on DS. Great Blog btw! Blessings, Marla
