Saturday, March 26, 2011

Sally's Garden :)

My garden and flower beds are pretty simple....we have a large lot for our neighborhood, and Keegan doesn't really enjoy gardening too much, so I tend to stick to easy-care plants.  I use a lot of perennials, and in our milder winters, many plants return year to year.  And many of them sprout babies that I can move to new plants are always a plus :)

This tiny bed greets visitors (and us) as we enter the driveway.  The tree to the right is a tiny crepe myrtle...(you can't see much of him).   Dijon built this wheelbarrow for me years the fall, it is filled with pumpkins, and at Christmas, with greenery and ornaments.  The plants are daylillies which will bloom later with yellow flowers.   Every year, my father-in-law brings me a new rock from Colorado, where they vacation for the summer.  They are scattered through my flower beds.  And of course, there is my LSU flag....GEAUX TIGERS!!

Dijon built this rustic garden cart for sits behind my little concrete rabbit family at one end of our porch.  Its surrounded by ruella, aztec grass, and amaryllis.

I adore our patio and backyard....we've worked hard to make it feel like a park!

The azaleas are blooming right now....they're one of my favorites, and bring back great memories of my childhood summers spent at my grandparents' house.

More azaleas in the back yard...

But I was MOST excited today to see THIS!!! 

What, you may ask, could possibly be the importance of this tiny bit of greenery?  Its the first bud on my pecan tree, and that means that the danger of frost is OVER!!  So now it is safe for me to plant any tender annuals I might choose (which are few, but I do a few pots each year!)

I LOVE this time of year in the South....the weather is amazing, and being outside recharges my batteries.  And that is a good thing....Keegan has been requiring extra energy lately, so much so that a trip to the doctor is on the calendar for next week.  It may be time to tweak things a bit to keep Keegan in his place....remember, he's not in charge!

See ya soon,

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Just Sitting on the Porch

Please forgive me for staying away an entire week....the flare lasted a few days, then eased.  The weather here is beautiful right now....this is one of our favorite times of the year down south.  So Dijon and I decided to do a bit of work outside, and we have been super busy with that!  Here's our refuge in this crazy world....

I just love my is Acadian style (very common down here) with a huge front porch....complete with swing, rocking chairs, ceiling fans, and Boston ferns.  Right now, with the cool temperatures and low humidity, we are out there every chance we get.

BTW, does anyone know what the big shovel thing is??  We picked it up at an antique shop years ago, and have no idea what is was used for.  But I love it and it stays on the porch year round :)

Yes, that is Dijon's red truck in the background....can't function around here without a truck :)

We absolutely love love love our cypress swing....Dijon added some massive springs to the chains, so the swing "gives" a bit when you a fabulous to sit and drink iced tea on a nice day and watch the world go by.  I have wind chimes hanging on the porch that play a nice tune for me too :)  

Our two daughters got married within 8 months, so we sort of neglected our house for a bit....I'm taking this year to rework our house and yard.  There'll be decluttering, reorganizing, and fixing up!

This house just feeds my soul.....I'll show you more of it next time!

See ya soon,

Thursday, March 17, 2011

A Flare Begins....

Well, as I sort of expected, Keegan has awakened, and wants to play.  I use the word "play" is more of a "breathe fire, stomp around, rant and rave" kind of thing.  These are the times we fibromites call "flares"....Get the fire thing?  LOL

So officially, a flare is a time when symptoms become very intense.  It is a time when our bodies are overly sensitive....for me, to pain, noise, light, pressure, and other things.  Where Keegan is somewhat quiet and manageable many days, he is a raging monster during a flare.

Almost anything can bring on a flare.  Living with a fibro dragon requires quite the balancing act, and life often upsets that balance.  Illness, accidents, weather changes, travel, allergy attacks, insomnia, holidays, time change....anything that disrupts my carefully scripted days can send me into a flare.  This time, it was the stress to my body from the two quick trips out of town, and the fact that I didn't rest as much while visiting with the kiddos.  

Some of us have signals as to how our day will be.....I have one that is no-fail.  If I wake up and have no numbness, it'll probably be a normal day, at least normal for me.  If I wake up and only my left leg is numb, then I'll probably be good to go until about 3 p.m.  Then I'll be done for the day, and need to rest.  BUT if my arms and legs are numb when I wake up, I'm in a flare. 

That's what I mean about symptoms becoming more intense.  The numbness, fatigue, queasiness, and pain are all worse.   Flare days are the ones where I don't get too much done, and that's ok.  I'm giving my body time to recover, and get back to its "normal"....It takes a bit of time to get Keegan back under control!

I'll talk a bit more about managing Keegan next time....He can be very feisty, but I do have some pretty good weapons!

See ya soon,

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Home Again!

Well, we are home again!!  Just got in this evening after five days at our daughter's home in Texas.  We had such a good time!  We were able to visit with our kids and my mom, and we laughed so hard it hurt!    

Keegan finally got tired of being quiet, and started breathing fire yesterday.  I woke up in a good bit of pain, and with lots of numbness in my arms and legs.  The D-ribose helped with the fatigue, but I definitely wasn't 100%.  Today was a little better, but Keegan still beat me up a bit.  I am hoping for a quieter day tomorrow!

I constantly have to remind myself to PACE, and I think that's a great word for me to use each day.  So I thought and thought (and used a thesaurus!) and came up with this:

P is for Plan....I try to plan my activities each day as much as I can, so I don't overdo it.
A is for Accept....I accept that I can't accomplish everything all at once.  I do what I can, then rest.
C is for Choose....I have to choose carefully what activities to schedule that day, both chores and fun stuff  :)
E is for Exception....There's always an exception to my plans....I have to remember to roll with the punches!

We've done two very busy trips in three weeks, so there will be lots of Pacing over the next few days for me.  Keegan is in a foul mood right now, and I need to take some time to rest.  But I wouldn't have traded the last few days for is good indeed.

Dijon and I LOVE country music....There's a country song that says life isn't about how many breaths you take, but about the moments that take your breath away.  I had a few of those this week....watching my daughters who have grown from fussing toddlers to arguing teenagers to loving friends and sisters.  Smiling as my adorable sons-in-law joked with each other, and grew closer each day.  Watching my mom enjoy her family all together again.  Seeing my dear Dijon teach the boys how to fix a sliding door,  explaining it all patiently to them, passing his skills on to the next generation.  And laughing at all four pups playing and swimming together :)

Yes, life is good indeed!  Thank you, Lord, for Your blessings!!

See ya soon,

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

The Fog Rolls In......

Dijon and I have been packing and packing, yet again!  We are heading down the road to visit our younger daughter and her hubby for a few days, and I am very excited!!

I hate packing....I really do.  It is such a chore for me, and can you guess who I'm going to blame?  Yep, Keegan.  It is all Keegan's fault.  You see, packing takes organization, and Keegan is the master of disorganization.  Don't understand?  Are you saying, "Sally, please 'splain...?"  OK, I will.

One of the most aggravating symptoms of fibro is known as "fibro fog."  This term encompasses all the memory and cognitive issues that fibro sufferers have.  Put plainly, we forget things....lots of things.  Easy things, like simple words we learned in first grade.  Words like "truck" or "rabbit".  So I might talk to you one day, and tell you all about the furry little animal I saw in the backyard last week with the big ears and fuzzy tail that was eating a carrot.  But I won't be able to tell you I saw a rabbit.

We also sometimes have trouble with organization.  (Hence my hate of packing.)  It is awfully difficult for me to think through what all Dijon and I will need for five days away from home.   In the same way, it is hard for my brain to process all the things I should buy at the grocery store for a week.  Ok, fine, you say....make a list.  I can do that, but A. I'll leave lots off the list, and B. I usually lose the list before I get to the store!  LOL

Sometimes my brain feels like a jumble of mixed signals, and I can't follow the directions....kind of like this....

or this......

Try as I might, I end up going the.....

Doctors don't know exactly what goes on in our brains, or why exactly we have "fibro fog".  Researchers have lots of different theories, which are too complicated for me to go into here.  Right now, there is no cure for Fibro, and no cure for the fog either.  BUT here's what I do to help my situation with Keegan and his fog!

1.  Daily Calendar
     I keep a daily calendar, and use one that has space for LOTS of notes, lists, etc.  That way, everything is written in ONE PLACE!  If I need to look back for a phone number, or note I wrote myself, I know its in my calendar.  EVERYTHING goes in there!

2.  Monthly Bill Notebook
     I use a three-ring binder with sheet protectors to organize my bills.  I've put as many as possible on no-mail statements, so I check online for current balances.  I printed out a bill sheet with websites, bill due dates, etc.  I pay bills through online banking, and all is kept in that one notebook.

3.  Label Maker
     I label everything in my office....I'm finding it helpful if I am ultra-organized.

4.  Simplify
     I'm trying to really de-clutter....the less stuff, the easier it is for me to function well!

5.  IPhone
     I have one of these now, and I LOVE the notepad application.  I can make lists and save them!

6.  Key Holder
     One spot in the house, under a chalkboard.  All keys go there, so I never have to look for them.   If I put my keys anywhere else, I can't remember where they are.  So I don't do that anymore.

7.  Put things in the same spot every single day.
      Like my keys, my purse goes in the same place every night.  Same with my phone.  It has to be that way.

8.  Control Central
      We have a table near that back door.  All the mail goes there, key holder is there.  Dijon and I each have a basket with our names on it, for things we will be carrying in and out each day.  It is also where my calendar is kept.

I know there's more....I just can't think of them right now....LOL  It's getting late, and Keegan's fog rolls in heavy at night :)

I hear Dijon calling me....It is getting late, and we have to rise and shine awfully early in the a.m.  If you have fibro, or know someone who does, recognize the fog for what it is....a very real symptom of a very real syndrome.  Learn to laugh at your dragon....I do, because Keegan isn't in charge :)

See ya soon,

Monday, March 7, 2011

Keeping my Balance

Long time, no talk!  I've been visiting one of my daughters, who was a bit under the weather.  Its still awesome to play nurse to your child, even when they are grown!

I am oh-so-quietly whispering that Keegan has been VERY quiet lately.  Actually, ever since I was sick last week, he hasn't made a peep!  That's pretty unusual for him.  I think I may have figured out why....

With fibro, I have to remember there is no magic mix of meds that will automatically work, or if it does work, will work forever.  So when my doc changed my regimen a few weeks ago, I gave it a try.  I suddenly became much more lethargic during the day.  To combat that, I tried upping my daily caffeine intake.  End result:  more fatigue, worse sleep, even more fatigue.  (For the record, caffeine is NOT a good idea for folks with really charges them up!)

That's the bad news.  The good news was the meds made fibro pain soooo much better!  So what to do??  The trade-off for me was to ease off the meds, and the fatigue would get better, but the pain would get worse.    Or keep taking the meds, and be soooo sleepy I had to have naps each day.

I chose to decrease the meds.  And so far, I think that is the right decision for me, for now.  Like I said, nothing stays the same forever.  The pain is beginning to increase, but I'd rather have that and be able to go through the day feeling less tired.  But at some point, I may have to go the other way. ( I always check with my doctor about changing should too!!)  Keegan won't let me have my cake and eat it too!  LOL

Keegan just helps me remember, life with fibro is just a balancing act.  I take it hour-to-hour most days.  And that's good....God tells us not to worry about tomorrow, that today is all we should be concerned with.  Good advice!!

See ya soon,

Thursday, March 3, 2011

A House of Treasures

I missed being here yesterday.  I felt great, and Keegan was being soooo well behaved :)   However, Dijon was not feeling well, and came home early from work.  So it was my turn to play nursemaid to him.  I am happy to report he recovered quickly....evidently Keegan's little houseguest was not the culprit for Dijon's illness!

I've been looking and looking around my house, and deciding its time to do some de-cluttering.   I'm finding that I'm much happier with fewer things, and more open, clean space in my home.  Sounds good, right?  Well, here's the catch.  Dijon and I love to antique,  and we've collected lots of stuff over the years.  He also is a fantastic woodworker, and has built many things for our home.  So it can be hard for me to decide what will continue to live with us....

I've come up with a check-list of sorts to help me with those decisions.   Now when I am considering keeping something or not, I ask is it....

               1. Functional...does it serve a purpose, or do a job for me?
               2. Beautiful...does looking at it bring Dijon and me joy?
               3. Meaningful...does it bring back special memories for Dijon and me?

So, to stay in my house, I have decided an item must meet at least one of the three criteria.  I always hear interior designers talk about having things be both functional and beautiful, so I am working toward more of that in our home as well too.  There's nothing that says the trash can in the bathroom can't look really good, right?   I mean, your end tables don't need to be ugly!!  LOL

Now, ideally, I would love everything I own to be all three, functional, beautiful, and meaningful....And Dijon and I are blessed to have some things like that....Let me show you just a few :)

 This cut glass serving dish belonged to my great-grandmother.  I'm guessing she used it in the 1940s or so.  (I need to do some research on it.)  It is one of my most precious belongings, and I think it fits #1, 2, and 3.

Ok, everyone may not adore this, but I do!  LOL  This is the handle on the screen door on our front porch.  It was originally on the door of an old store near Ville Platte, La., that has since been torn down.  We picked it up at an antique trade days held at an old SchoolHouse.  We love its patina and it reminds us of La. history.  Definitely #1, 2, and 3!

I love love love this chair and table.  It belonged to my Irish grandpa who loved animals so much!  I love its easy rocking motion, and that I have the table to set my iced tea on while I relax.  I love the simple, classic design.  I love that it reminds me of my grandpa, sitting in his chair, playing with his cat.  Definitely #1, 2, and 3!

These are the kinds of things I treasure around my house.  They are nothing "fancy" or expensive.  Nothing that would be in a museum.  But things that fit my #1, 2, and 3.  The older I get, the more I look for the things that fit all three.  I know some items will only fit #1, or if I'm lucky, maybe two of the three.  But I'm happiest when I can check them all off....

So what's around your house?   I'd love for you to tell me how you decide what lives with you!

See ya soon,

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Keegan's Little Friend....

Keegan had a friend over this past weekend.  He didn't ask permission for this guest to come visit....he knew I would've said no.  But then, that's nothing new...Keegan never asks permission to do anything.  He just does what he wants, and thus the strain in our life together :)

Keegan's little pal was a tiny virus, and he invaded my world for the entire weekend, and has just left only this morning.  Oh, but he brought me such lovely gifts....fever, headache, and the oh-so-special upset tummy.  No details get the picture.

Dijon was an absolute doll, taking such good care of me.  He ran errands, cleaned house, took care of the furbabies, and played nursemaid to me.  Times like these just remind me further why I love him so much...he is such a fantastic man!

Soooo, needless to say, I've had a few days that were ehhh, not so much fun.  Now that my houseguest has left, I hope to be feeling better and better, and posting something infinitely more interesting tomorrow.

As an aside, it is always interesting to me how quiet Keegan is when some other illness is in the picture.  The fibro really takes a backseat, it seems, until the other issue is resolved.  Then, typically,  a flare ensues, and it takes a few days to recover fully.  In this case, the virus is over, but a resulting fibro flare could last several days....we'll see.  Hopefully, Keegan will be a good boy :)