Friday, February 25, 2011

My Furbabies!

My grandpa, who I miss dearly every day, was a great lover of all animals.  I spent every summer growing up with my grandparents, since my mom worked.  And while my grandma wouldn't allow animals in the house, my grandpa always made sure we had cats and dogs outside.  I guess he passed those Irish genes on to me....I've always had at least one pet, and usually more than one!   They bring me great joy, unquestioning love, and constant companionship.   My furbabies are such a huge part of my life....I thought I'd introduce them to you.  It'll take a couple of minutes, as there are five of them!   So, without further ado, here they are....

This is Pixie, one of our dear kitties.  As you can see, she has perfected the art of snoozing.  She is on her most favorite spot, on the back on the love seat.  If she had her way, she would never move from here!!  Pixie was a rescue kitten,  and has been in our family for six years now.

This is my sweet little girl, Bee Gee.  She is also a rescue of sorts....she wandered over to a house we were working on one day.  I called the number on her tag, and in talking with her owner, found he could no longer care for her.  Soooo she came home with me that very day!  She is a Chihuahua/Rat Terrier Mix, and loves to cuddle.  She's been with us about three years now.

This is Macy, one of the sweetest cats I have ever known.  Macy showed up under my porch last winter, a scrawny little kitten starving and meowing like crazy.  I put some food out, and after about three weeks of inching nearer and nearer, she let me pet her.  She never left, and now she's a member of our family!

Meet Sir Winston!  He is my pistol!!  He is a YorkiePoo, and is a hysterically funny little pup.  We got Winston from a friend who saved him from a not-so-nice pet store a couple of years ago.  He has a great sense of humor, and makes us smile every day!

And last but not least is Mr. Bentley, who insisted on hiding behind the bird feeder pole for his picture!  Bentley is a black Pomeranian, very stately, who is usually groomed to look like a lion!  I just LOVE his white face, and the tips of his little white feet!   Bentley is five years old, and he is a dear sweet boy :)

I'm still very much missing my dear sweet Lucky girl....she was nearly 17....she had a good long life!

Someone asked me not long ago if I could remember the names of all the animals I've had over the years....I thought about it, and you know, I CAN!  I can name them all...every one of them.  I guess because they love without any judgment, without any reservation.  Because they cheer me when I'm sad, and make me smile all the time.  And I guess too, when I look at them, I remember my grandpa, who showed me just how special pets could be.  Thanks for passing that on to me, PawPaw :)

See ya soon,


  1. They are all so cute! Pixie is a clone of my Waffles. We have a few pets ourselves...all breakfast foods. Waffles (cat), Biscuit (chow husky mix), Cookie (Not sure but she is a mini version of Biscuit, same color even) and three turtles in a giant tank...FlapJack, Poptart, and Jelli.

  2. I LOVE their names!! What a cute idea to name them after breakfast foods!

  3. I love the pictures of your furbabies. They are all so cute. What a blessing they are to you!

  4. Oh, they are so precious! I love how most are rescued. I agree - they add so much to our lives. I saw the Rat Terrier in Bee Gee immediately since our little guy, Tucker, is a Rat Terrier. Such an affectionate, loving breed! I really enjoy reading your blogs! I found you through a fibro forum :)

  5. Thank you all for the sweet comments on my furbabies (and the blog)! Glad they brought a smile to your face :)
