Thursday, February 24, 2011

We're Back Home!

We made it back home!  Dijon, my mom, and I traveled last weekend to help my younger daughter and her marvelous hubby move from an apartment into their first house!  It was very exciting, and a lot of work,  and their smiles were priceless.

You know those moments that you want to hold onto forever?  We had lots of those this weekend.  My baby girl's face as she opened the door to her new home with her new keys.  My hubby's and son-in-law's faces as they jumped into a FREEZING cold pool after working in the attic for two hours!  Laughing at the two grandpups as they explored their new yard, full of wonder at all the grass and trees they will have to enjoy.  Working all day until we were exhausted, then looking around at a beautiful new HOME....not just a house, but a home full of love, and memories yet to be made.

Keegan was oh-so-quiet the entire weekend (thanks to my wonderful doctor and the meds she prescribes for my fibro!)  I am always so thankful when he sleeps during family visits.  I treasure my time with my kiddos so much.....they are such a joy.

One thing Keegan demands is that I pace myself....I have to carefully choose what to use my energy on, what to use my spoons on (see previous post).  I will ALWAYS use all the spoons I have to do whatever with my kids....I'll even borrow spoons on the Spoon Credit Account if I have to.  Sometimes the interest payment is high, but its always worth the memories I make.

See ya soon,

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