Saturday, February 12, 2011

A New Blog....So who are Sally and Keegan?

Hi, and welcome to my new blog!  I'm Sally (actually, that's my wonderful nickname, given to me by a dear family friend....long story, that I'll share with you one day)  I'm nearly 50 (yikes!), a stay-at-home wife to a wonderful man I call Dijon.  Our kids are grown and gone, so it's just the two of us, our dogs, our cats.....and Keegan.

So who is Keegan?  This may seem a bit strange, but Keegan is my name for a dragon I live with....Keegan is the dragon that is fibromyalgia.  Why the name Keegan?  Because it means "Fire" and at times, he breathes fire, and he can disrupt my activities, my schedule, my day.   And Keegan is an Irish name....I'm Irish, so I'm guessing my dragon would be Irish too, doncha think?   So it's a good fit!

Keegan and I have been together for over 20 years now, so we know each other well.  I'll share more of our story in the days has been an interesting one!

This blog won't be ALL about Keegan...He doesn't run the whole show, after all...LOL   There'll be lots about me, Dijon, our love of antiquing, crafts, furniture making, and whatever else comes along....but I also hope to inspire others who have been told that they will be living with their own fibromyalgia dragon, one they may just name as well.  (After all, we have to smile a bit, right?)  Inspire them to know just how full life can be, in spite of fibromyalgia.

Sooooo, I hope you'll join me....I'm looking forward to sharing, and I hope it blesses someone.

(This post is dedicated to my dear 16 yr old pup, Lucky, who passed away this morning...May you frolic happily in the green meadows of Heaven tonight...)



  1. This is AWESOME Tiger!!! I LOVE IT!!! I never knew you called it'd I miss that?? What a great blog...hopefully it will open people's eyes to the dragon that lives with so many of us...thanks for sharing and I definitely will be following keep it up!

  2. Hey there Sally!
    Love the post, love the name for your dragon. I suppose out of respect I should start calling him something other than a four letter word I don't want my kids to pick up.

    I look forward to reading your posts. And hearing about your adventures with Dijon, Keegan, the kids and furbabies.


  3. Im so sorry you lost Lucky.
    Im looking forward to keeping up with your adventures. Naming the fibro dragon is a good idea. Hmm something to think about....naming the dragon.
