Thursday, June 2, 2011

Mr. Bentley's BoBos

~~And again, I've ignored my poor blog....but with good reason.   I noticed last week that our Mr. Bentley was very lethargic, and he had stopped eating.  I took him in to our vet, and she found that he was suffering from patellar luxation....i.e., the kneecaps in his rear legs were moving out of alignment.  (From what I've learned, this is pretty common in Pomeranians.)   She felt he needed surgery, to prevent further damage, pain, and the onset of arthritis.   This came as a total shock, as Mr. B never seemed to be in any pain....such a stoic little guy!!

A trip to the surgeon was scheduled....we met yesterday morning, and after examining Mr. B, he agreed that surgery was definitely in order.  So Bentley had the procedure done yesterday afternoon.  He's still in the hospital, at least until tomorrow, if not Saturday.

I visited Mr. Bentley this morning, and he posed for a new picture....he wasn't feeling very chipper, I'm afraid.   Dijon and I went back to see him again tonight, and he seemed to still be in considerable pain....the tech on duty was about to give him more pain meds.   We'll see him again tomorrow morning, and hopefully he will have had a quiet, restful night. 

If you have pets, please give them an extra hug tonight, in honor of Mr. Bentley.  And if anything seems a bit "off", take them to the never know what can be wrong.  They give us so much, and ask so little in return...

~~In fibro news, Keegan has been a quiet little dragon lately....thank goodness!  I'm working on tweaking my regimen, and have a couple of new things to blog about....I'll share more next time, in the very near future!

See ya soon,


1 comment:

  1. So good you are feeling great lately.
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