Thursday, August 4, 2011

I've Missed My Blog, and Stress

Wow....its been so long since I've been here, and I've missed it.  Please forgive my absence... life in my house has been very hectic.   But I have realized that this blog helps give me a place to voice feelings, to share frustrations, and to regroup in my day to day battle with Keegan.  And it truly is a day to day battle.

So, our pup Mr. B is still very ill.  His lab work shows the meds he is on have not yet suppressed his immune system enough to stop the destruction of his red blood cells.  So the fight continues, and I am his nurse :)   I give the many meds and take him to his vet appointments.  We're hoping and praying he can beat this illness.

All this extra activity and worry means STRESS....and for those of you new to fibromyalgia, stress of any kind, whether physical or emotional, causes fibro symptoms to increase.   I fully expected a flare, and that's exactly what has happened.  So my plan to REALLY work on managing symptoms has had to take a back seat for the last couple of weeks.  Right now, my focus is giving my body the extra rest it needs to overcome the flare.

Moral of this story:  Life happens, and when life becomes very stressful and busy, it isn't always easy to keep the fibro dragon asleep.  Keegan is breathing fire right now....I can't push through and ignore the signals.  And even after all this time, I am still bad about that!

I'm making a list of some ingredients for a new daily'll incorporate several things I've found that seem to help me feel better.  I'm thinking if I can lump then into one drink, it'll be easier to make sure I get them all in each day.  I'm trying it tomorrow morning, and I'll let you know how it goes...hopefully, it'll taste yummy, and I'll post the recipe!

Oh, and Mr. B says hello....please say a prayer for him :)

See ya soon,



  1. I am so sorry that Mr. B is not feeling better yet. My Zoey just sprained her foot and I have been worrying so I can only image how much worrying you are doing. You might try to take some time to do deep breathing each day. That really helps me deal with stress I can't eliminate. Both you and Mr. B are in my prayers.

  2. Thanks so much for the prayers and well wishes, Traci! The deep breathing sounds like a wonderful idea...I promise to try it! I hope Zoey recovers quickly....she is such a cutie pie!

  3. Hi Sally you are Featured blogger at fibro Bloggers for the next couple of weeks. Congratulations! Do you think I could add the photo of the hand and the dragon? Don't forget to go to to get your special badge which you can keep forever (If you wish)
