Saturday, July 16, 2011


Just like many other couples, Dijon and I have differing opinions on many topics.  Like just how many pairs of shoes I really need, whether to rent or buy the latest DVD, should you eat a Moon Pie for breakfast (yes, he does that...I know, he is danger of going into sugar shock!) know, stuff like that.

But an important one has been how soft/firm our mattress should be.  He likes a very firm sleeping on boards topped with a sheet.  Not this kid....I want to feel like I'm in the middle of a cloud bank, or snuggled into a huge wad of cotton balls.

Here's the important thing...........I have realized that sleeping on a VERY soft mattress, and using amazing cotton sheets of very high thread count helps reduce my morning fibro stiffness and pain.

We recently went on a short trip, and the hotel had just such a bed, with the huge pillowtop, and fabulous sheets, and ginormous, soft pillows.  I just sunk into that bed at night, and for naps, and woke up pain-free and feeling great each time!!!

So I immediately came home and put a feather mattress topper on our bed and added some amazing sheets.  I already had my "special pillow", and now I am sleeping better, and waking much less stiff and sore.   And Dijon happily sacrificed his love of a firm bed so that I can feel better....thank you, hon!

Moral of the Day:  Don't ignore the bed.....we spend lots of our life there.  Get whatever you need to make yourself comfortable when you sleep....extra pillows, better quality sheets, soft covers, feather quilts, etc.  A good night's sleep is CRITICAL for fibromites to feel and function well.  This has made a huge difference to me :)

See ya soon,


Tuesday, July 12, 2011

IMHA.....Scary Letters

This post has nothing to do with fibromyalgia at all....instead, it has to do with IMHA.  I've just learned about IMHA, some very scary letters.  IMHA stands for Immune Mediated Hemolytic Anemia, and it is a very serious condition that strikes dogs and cats.  Unfortunately, I HAD to learn about it because our dear Mr. Bentley has become a victim of this awful condition.

The short version of IMHA is that Bentley's immune system is attacking his red blood cells and destroying them.  Something triggered this change in his body....the vets don't know what.  It could have been his knee surgery, a medication, a tick bite, anything.  Often, the cause of the onset of IMHA is never known.  Two weeks ago, Mr. B began fainting, or having episodes of syncope.  A trip to the vet and blood work showed his anemia.  He needed a blood transfusion, bone marrow aspiration, and two days in the LSU Veterinary School Hospital.  

Now he is on strong medications to suppress his immune system.  Hopefully his little body will begin to replenish his red blood cell supply, and his "numbers" will start to look better. ( I'm becoming pretty good at reading lab reports.)   So far, he is stable, but not really improved.  If he survives the initial crisis, he may have to be on meds for several months, if not the rest of his life.

Approximately 30-40% of dogs that develop IMHA do not survive.   We are hoping and praying that Mr. B will be one of the lucky ones.  

If you have pets, please watch for the following:  lethargy, being tired, not eating, just not being themselves, sleeping alot, rapid breathing....these are all symptoms of anemia.  If you see any of these, please take your pet to the vet as soon as you can for a simple blood test to check for anemia.  IMHA strikes silently, and can be devastating very quickly.  

Mr. B says hi, and we hope you'll say a prayer for him.  He's a very sweet boy :)  

 See ya soon,


Monday, July 4, 2011

Happy Fourth of July, and a new Wreath!

I hope everyone has had a Wonderful Fourth of July!  I want to take this moment to say "thank you" to all those who serve or have served our nation to ensure this freedom that we all enjoy.....and to the families of those who have given the ultimate sacrifice, I hope they know how much our family appreciates the enormity of the price that was paid for us to enjoy living in the United States.

To celebrate the Fourth, I made a simple rag wreath to go over our mantle....these wreaths are all over the craft blogs, and are super easy to do.    Let me apologize early for the awful was late at night when I did this, and there was no natural light in the room!

So, here's what you will need:

1.  a wreath, obviously :)    You can use a straw wreath, a foam one, a metal one, etc....I did the cheapo version, and had Dijon bend a wire coat hanger into a circle! it!

2.  fabrics of your choice     I used four different coordinating fabrics for this wreath....mixture of reds, whites, and blues......mix of solids and prints.   I used about 2/3 of a yard of each one, and had a bit left over.   The amount needed will depend on how many fabrics you use, and how big the wreath is.

3.  things to cut fabric....I use scissors, fabric cutter, and fabric measuring thingie (you folks that sew know what its called! LOL)

 I LOVE this project cuz its soooo easy.....I took my fabric cutter, and laid the fabric out....For the wreath this size, I cut the strips to approximately 1" by 6".....This is NOT an exact science!  :)   Close is good enough!!  And I think the raggedy edges make the wreath all that much better.  (NOTE:  If you use a thicker wreath, like a straw one, the strips will definitely need to be much longer.)

 Cut and cut until you have piles of fabric strips.  This is kinda tedious, so have something good on TV or Pandora to listen to....just sayin'...

 Then just begin to tie them around the wire wreath, one at a time, alternating the patterns....I just make one loop with each strip and pull it taut....the fabric stays nice and tight.  Continue until the wreath is full....I put lots of fabric on mine, so that its very full.

 (wow, did I get this picture off-center...)

Finally, just tweak the fabric a bit, to fluff the wreath.  You can tie an extra long piece of fabric, or a piece of ribbon on for a hangar.  I actually just hooked mine over the nail that's on my antique window over the fireplace mantle.  

I've made three of these wreaths now, for different times of the year, and just love them!  Hope you enjoy it too.

Have a wonderful holiday!!

See ya soon,
