Monday, May 23, 2011

Living in Louisiana...

Sorry to have been away so long again....nothing huge going on, just incredibly busy with life....bridal showers, choir programs, college graduations and graduation parties, retirement dinners....all in the last two weeks!  Beginnings for young ones....changes for older ones.   And life goes on....

I reconnected this week with a dear friend I met while helping those displaced by Hurricane Katrina.   If you've been thinking of calling, emailing, texting, writing, or visiting someone, please do may just get the biggest blessing ever :)

Its been an incredibly difficult time lately for many areas of our nation weatherwise....tornadoes and storms have hit so many towns.  Our prayers go out to all of those folks affected.  Here in Louisiana, we carefully watch the waters of the Mississippi River, and pray for those who have already flooded.

All along the Mississippi (including here in Baton Rouge) there are levees that prevent the river from flooding.  

On the Baton Rouge (east) side of the river, parts of the levee have concrete steps.  This picture represents a normal river level.

 Here's where the river level was a couple of days ago...the young man is sitting on the top step, and the orange tube is an additional sand-bag type structure used to add height to the levee.  In Baton Rouge, our levees are about 47-51 ft tall.

 An aerial view of the levee keeping the Mississippi River from flooding.  The ribbon on top of the levee is a road used for maintenance.

 This levee in northern Louisiana was breached, and water came crashing through.  

Water is released into the Morganza Spillway (and Bonnet Carre Spillway) in an attempt to ease pressure on the levees and prevent flooding in Baton Rouge and New Orleans, and to keep river traffic moving.   Unfortunately, some folks and farmland will be flooded.

Both of these homeowners have built their own levees to try to save their homes from the floodwaters.  You can see the water surrounding the dirt berms. 
Please keep everyone affected by all these natural disasters in your prayers.

Keegan went on vacation last week for two days.....really, I was nearly symptom free!!  Unfortunately, he came back, ready to play more than ever.....But I sure did enjoy my break from him....Maybe I can book him another trip very soon.....

See ya soon,


Thursday, May 12, 2011

Becoming Aware....

May 12 is National ME/CFS and Fibromyalgia Awareness Day, a day to hopefully spread the word about these "invisible illnesses" that affect such a large portion of our population.  Symptoms can be debilitating, and force many out of work and normal, everyday activities.

If you have a moment, please check out this link....there is some good info on fibromyalgia, and a brief slideshow that offers explanation about the syndrome.  And maybe wear purple today, to show your support :)

The quicker we raise awareness, the quicker we find a offense, Keegan, but I would love for you to live elsewhere.

See ya soon,


Sunday, May 8, 2011

Happy Mother's Day :)

Happy Mother's Day to you all....

I've been enjoying the new camera!

I've missed being here....Dijon and I were camping in the woods with no internet!   I'm looking forward to catching up.  Keegan is angry right now, and I'm hurting a bit.  Time to get my dragon back under control....

See ya soon,
